Sunday, February 1, 2009

Shoes Always Fit

I have an obsession. With shoes. All kinds too!! Please see my Wall of Shoes.

For all of those who are quite observant you may have noticed that there are only heels that are being displayed on this artistic wall. The explanation for this would have to be that not all of my shoes fit on my ceiling to floor shoe rack. Here is another shoe rack.....

And then a closet full of boots.

And there are more in storage. To break it down for you a tad, I have 65 pairs of heels, 25 pairs of boots, 10 pairs of tennis shoes, and 15 pairs of flip flops. Oh and of course a pair of roller skates. Yeah that is 121 pairs of shoe wear. Some tell me it is disgusting but I say it is beautiful. :)
The reason I share this part of my life with you is because my recent amazing thrift find was a pair of exquisite boots! They are THE coolest. Brown leather cowboy boots. Perfection. I guess glaring at those who come near me and speed walking straight back to the boots pays off every once in a while.

Leather Boots=$10
Unbelieveable! One of the most rewarding feelings is when you find something for 1/10 of the price that it is worth. Rock On Thrifters!