Thursday, March 12, 2009

We are Selfless

What a contradiction to my claims in earlier posts! I tell you all the time that I am selfish. Which is true.I feel like it isn't as bad when I straight up tell you that I am selfish. hmmm.

Or maybe I say it so you notice all of the non selfish things I do so you will tell me otherwise. Wow I have figured it out! I am constantly digging for compliments! Selfish written all over it.

Moving on, Celina and I are on the Force for Good Committee at our work. We raise money for different charities and such. It is alot of fun! There is nothing like a "fundraiser high." Except maybe a "runner's high," love running. Besides the point.

So last weekend Caitlyn, Kristen, Celina and I went to "Bowls for Humanity." We bought a bowl that was made by a student and all the proceeds went to The Provo Food and Care Coalition.

As you can see in my right hand, I am holding my credit card. they didn't accept credit cards for the bowls. I owe Celina $5.


  1. We are soooo selfless.
    Look at us being soooo giving.
    I mean we like spend so much time doing good things.
    We are amazing.

    JK... I love how we were there for a mini minutes. OH YEAH. We have to get the prizes for next week.

  2. lets make fun weekend plans again!

  3. You said you would post yesterday... liar liar pants on fire.

  4. "Hi, Im Bree and Im really bad at posting!"
